Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Final Blog Portfolio

Your blog "portfolio" is due on Friday, May 9th at 10am.

As we discussed in class, this will be your final grade for the semester.

To complete the assignment you will have to include the following:

1) At least two analyses of photographs.

2) At least two creative pieces. This might include poems, short stories, or other innovative forms.

3) At least two letters.

4) At least one group effort post.

5) At least one post that relates, refers to or deals with a medium other than writing or photography (i.e. film, sculpture, etc.). Push the medium to its limit here. How does the form of a blog allow you to do something you couldn't have done on paper?

6) At least one post completely of your own design and execution.

Note that five of the posts must be new, not from work that was done as assignments for our class.

You must have a minimum of 10 posts in your final blog portfolio, and a maximum of 12. You should create a post that links to all of the pieces in your portfolio so that a reader can easily navigate through all the pieces.

The following are Ideas for the Last Five Posts:

Google “war” and use any words [can make a limited amount] from the first five web page results to write a composition

Write 5 haikus about war

Write a letter to a soldier, past, present, future, alive, dead, fictional, real …

What will WWIII be like? Causes? Who is involved? How will life be after? Take from any angle.

Write 3 limericks about war

Pretend you are a soldier and write a letter home or a journal entry of a personal account of your experiences and how war has effected you

Find letter from a kid to a soldier and analyze how a war is seen through a kid’s eyes and how it affects their lives and how they think about war and those who fight in one

Post a link to a song from playlist.com and write analysis (Rise Against…)

Find a Facebook group pertaining to war [opposing, supporting, charity, etc…]and interpret

Go to PostSecret.com and find a secret and interpret and respond, both or either

Create comic strip on paint and post OR take someone else’s comic and write an analysis or story

Find a song relating to war and find lyrics online. Change 75% of words [don’t have to change: the, an, and, of…] in the song, but your new words MUST begin with the same letter as the original. The final product does not have to deal with war.

Find interview with a soldier online. Analyze. Write 3 questions you WOULD have liked to ask.

Use the Onion and post the article and respond to it to analyze what it is satirizing.

Use youtube.com to find a video made by an amateur and figure out what they are trying to say, the message they are trying to convey

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